Don’t Stop Believin’ Podcast
Comedians (Roy Alex Gomez, Humberto Moreno, and joseph Soto) sit down a and talk about all things paranormal with a dash of conspiracy theories.
Don’t Stop Believin’ Podcast
Episode 1: Welcome to the paranormal show (With special guests Sonia Treviño and Timothy Looper)
Roy Gomez
Season 1
Episode 1
The boys gathered for the first time to record a paranormal podcast with their friends Rio grande valley stand up Comedians Sonia Treviño and Timmothy Looper. They discuss the following
- The curse of a script that would doom John belushi, Chris Farley, and Sam kinison.
- Humberto’s old middle school is haunted
- The time Roy and Joseph did hoodrat shit and broke into a church in high school
- Interview with Daniel Saldaña
this was originally recorded April 8, 2018
edited by Roy Alex Gomez
produceD by: Roy Gomez, Humberto Moreno, and Joseph Soto
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-@ROYAGOMEZCOMEDY on instagram, Facebook, and twitter
-@HUMBERTOCOMEDY on instagram and on Facebook
-@JOSEPHSOTOCOMEDY on instagram and @JOSEPHSOTOCMDY on Twitter
Produced by: Joseph Soto, Humberto Moreno, and Roy Alex Gomez
Edited by: Roy Alex Gomez
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