Don’t Stop Believin’ Podcast
Don’t Stop Believin’ Podcast
Episode 2: Bustin Makes us Feel Good (with Stand Up Comedian Sonia Treviño
In this (previously unavailable) classic episode, the boys (Roy Alex Gomez, Humberto Moreno, and Joseph Soto) are joined by their special guest Sonia Trevino as they bust some Mudda Fukkin Ghosts! (Guided by Daniel Saldaña of the Haunted Paranormal Society of San Benito) as they investigate the old San Benito Cemetery. This episode includes
• The comedy stylings of Roy Alex Gomez, Humberto Moreno, Joseph Soto, and Sonia Treviño
• Basic walk through for ghost hunting
• Run in with the cops
• Joseph gets molested by a spirit
• Evp Reading and recordings
• And more!
We return to our regularly scheduled program next week!
Don’t forget to find us on face book at
-SONIA TREVIÑO https://m.facebook.com/hottomatotody
-@ROYAGOMEZCOMEDY on instagram, Facebook, and twitter
-@HUMBERTOCOMEDY on instagram and on Facebook
-@JOSEPHSOTOCOMEDY on instagram and @JOSEPHSOTOCMDY on Twitter
Produced by: Joseph Soto, Humberto Moreno, and Roy Alex Gomez
Edited by: Roy Alex Gomez
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