Don’t Stop Believin’ Podcast
Comedians (Roy Alex Gomez, Humberto Moreno, and joseph Soto) sit down a and talk about all things paranormal with a dash of conspiracy theories.
Don’t Stop Believin’ Podcast
Episode 3: Alister Crowley and the Lochness Monster
Roy Gomez, Joseph Soto, Humberto Moreno
Season 1
Episode 3
In this bonus episode the boys ( comedians Roy Alex Gomez, Humberto Moreno, and Joseph Soto) talk about the possible implications a failed black magic ritual done by Aliester Crowley that may have spawned sightings of Lochness Monster. Plus other stuff!
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- @ROYAGOMEZCOMEDY on instagram, Facebook, and twitter
- @HUMBERTOCOMEDY on instagram and on Facebook
- @JOSEPHSOTOCOMEDY on instagram and @JOSEPHSOTOCMDY on Twitter
Produced by: Joseph Soto, Humberto Moreno, and Roy Alex Gomez
Edited by: Roy Alex Gomez
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